Ongoing comprehensive evidence reviews of the Prenatal-to-3 Policy Clearinghouse
The Prenatal-to-3 Policy Clearinghouse provides analysis of the evidence on state policies and strategies that intend to strengthen outcomes for infants, toddlers, and their families. The policies and strategies included in the Clearinghouse reflect the evidence reviews conducted to date. Our reviews of the available evidence are ongoing, and policies and strategies will be added to the Clearinghouse on a continual basis.
The process of identifying specific policies aligned with the 8 science-based PN-3 goals described in the Clearinghouse is also ongoing. As we identify policies, we are conducting a careful review of each to evaluate the rigor and strength of both the theory of change and the evidence base to draw conclusions about each policy’s effectiveness for supporting children and families and building equity in the critical prenatal-to-3 period.
Go to Methods and Sources to learn more about our rigorous review process: 1. How Do We Determine Which Policies and Strategies Are Effective (Evidence Review Process)?
The current forthcoming reviews include:
- Perinatal maternal mental health programs
- Eviction protections
- Unconditional cash transfers
We welcome feedback and recommendations on additional state-level policies and strategies to consider for review. Please contact us with your comments and requests.