
The Prenatal-to-3 Policy Impact Center conducts original research and rigorous evaluations of state policies and programs. Through mixed methods, we examine not only whether a policy is effective, but also for whom and under what conditions. We calculate the return on investments. Our findings help states strengthen supports for children and families.


Our estimates indicate that bonding leave would result in an annual net benefit of $379 million to families, employers, and the Pennsylvania governmentoutweighing costs by 18 to 1. The commonwealth stands to gain from increased tax revenue, decreased spending on health care, and other benefits.

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Early Investment, a Lifetime of Returns: Articulating the Value of Early Childhood Investments in Virginia

Significant returns to families and the state
Throughout the nation, states are struggling to keep their child care industries afloat. Decades of underinvestment and a global pandemic threatened a near-total collapse of the system, held off only by temporary pandemic-era funding that
Read about specific issues facing the child care industry and what states can do to support children and families, early childhood educators, and child care businesses.