Ohio Take the Wheel


As we continue to build a movement focused on the unique needs of Ohio’s youngest children, Groundwork Ohio is committed to providing an impact on policies that work for young kids. One of the ways our team drives change is by providing accurate data and expert insights to provide a comprehensive view of gaps and opportunities in our great state. In addition to providing unique data analysis, we have access to a robust national network of experts who provide context for how our state is performing and investing, or not, in policies that improve the lives of babies and their families.


Today, we joined thousands of state lawmakers, advocates, researchers, and practitioners at the 2023 National Prenatal-to-3 Research to Policy Summit to hear which states are driving improvements for children and their families. The Prenatal-to-3 Policy Impact Center hosts the Summit annually to share a national and state landscape of progress. Under the trusted, expert leadership of Dr. Cynthia Osborne, Ohio has an updated policy roadmap to help inform our work.


Bipartisan momentum has advanced tax credit proposals across the country, a historic debate over Medicaid expansion continues in Mississippi, and several states made progress in the past month to provide doula services through Medicaid. By
In late February, the federal government released a final rule that makes regulatory changes to the Child Care and Development Fund. The rule requires action from many states to ensure child care is affordable and
In a newly published essay, Prenatal-to-3 Policy Impact Center Executive Director Dr. Cynthia Osborne outlines the five stages of public policy implementation—and the research critical for each stage. The essay draws from a rich history