Perinatal Telehealth

Telehealth refers to the use of technology to deliver or enhance health care services or medical training in a remote setting. Telehealth can include the use of audio, video, at-home monitoring devices, and other tools to allow patients to consult with providers and transmit clinical data when separated from providers by distance or when facing other barriers limiting in-person care.

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A review of the experimental evidence on telehealth interventions in the prenatal-to-3 period suggests that telehealth services can produce clinical outcomes equivalent to, and in some cases better than, in-person health care.

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State Policies to Promote Equity in Healthy Perinatal Outcomes: A Summary of the Evidence 

Barriers to health care, high-quality health insurance, and parental leave work together to leave families and children vulnerable during the perinatal period. These barriers can shape life-long outcomes, particularly for children from historically marginalized groups.
Rigorous research conducted prior to the pandemic has shown that many of the policy changes spurred by COVID-19 can positively impact child and family wellbeing, and this brief highlights several examples of COVID-19 policy responses