PROGRESS ACROSS STATES SINCE THE 2020 PRENATAL-TO-3 STATE POLICY ROADMAP The Prenatal-to-3 State Policy Roadmap provides state policy leaders with clear guidance on 12 policies and strategies that have a strong evidence base of positively
VERMONT’S PROGRESS ON THE PRENATAL-TO-3 STATE POLICY ROADMAP The Prenatal-to-3 State Policy Roadmap guides state leaders on the most effective investments to ensure all children thrive from the start. Since the 2020 Roadmap, Vermont increased
VIRGINIA’S PROGRESS ON THE PRENATAL-TO-3 STATE POLICY ROADMAP The Prenatal-to-3 State Policy Roadmap guides state leaders on the most effective investments to ensure all children thrive from the start. Since the 2020 Roadmap, Virginia increased
WASHINGTON’S PROGRESS ON THE PRENATAL-TO-3 STATE POLICY ROADMAP The Prenatal-to-3 State Policy Roadmap guides state leaders on the most effective investments to ensure all children thrive from the start. Since the 2020 Roadmap, Washington began
WEST VIRGINIA’S PROGRESS ON THE PRENATAL-TO-3 STATE POLICY ROADMAP The Prenatal-to-3 State Policy Roadmap guides state leaders on the most effective investments to ensure all children thrive from the start. Since the 2020 Roadmap, West
WISCONSIN’S PROGRESS ON THE PRENATAL-TO-3 STATE POLICY ROADMAP The Prenatal-to-3 State Policy Roadmap guides state leaders on the most effective investments to ensure all children thrive from the start. Since the 2020 Roadmap, Wisconsin has taken
WYOMING’S PROGRESS ON THE PRENATAL-TO-3 STATE POLICY ROADMAP The Prenatal-to-3 State Policy Roadmap guides state leaders on the most effective investments to ensure all children thrive from the start. Since the 2020 Roadmap, Wyoming has
SOUTH CAROLINA’S PROGRESS ON THE PRENATAL-TO-3 STATE POLICY ROADMAP The Prenatal-to-3 State Policy Roadmap guides state leaders on the most effective investments to ensure all children thrive from the start. Since the 2020 Roadmap, South
SOUTH DAKOTA’S PROGRESS ON THE PRENATAL-TO-3 STATE POLICY ROADMAP The Prenatal-to-3 State Policy Roadmap guides state leaders on the most effective investments to ensure all children thrive from the start. Since the 2020 Roadmap, South
TENNESSEE’S PROGRESS ON THE PRENATAL-TO-3 STATE POLICY ROADMAP The Prenatal-to-3 State Policy Roadmap guides state leaders on the most effective investments to ensure all children thrive from the start. Since the 2020 Roadmap, Tennessee expanded