Paid Family & Medical Leave: A Summary of the Evidence for Benefits to Children, Families, and the Labor Force
Rigorous research finds that statewide paid family and medical leave (PFML) policies have broad beneficial impacts to children, parents and families, and the labor force. This brief provides examples of the impacts of state PFML
A Business Case for Paid Leave Policies
Nearly all workers have needed or will need time away from work. When life and family responsibilities necessitate time off, paid family and medical leave (PFML) policies serve as an important tool to support both
Webinar | Building the Business Case for State Paid Family Leave: Lessons from Advocacy and Implementation
Outreach to Business Leaders on Paid Family Leave March 27, 2024 Paid family leave is one of the most impactful, yet cost-effective, policies a state can adopt to support infants, toddlers, and their families. Despite