Cash Transfers

Cash Transfers positively impacts these policy goals: Sufficient Household Resources Parental Health and Emotional Wellbeing Optimal Child Health and Development SUMMARY Cash transfers are an effective state policy to impact: Cash transfers can reduce child

Emergent Literacy Coaching Programs

Emergent Literacy Coaching positively impacts these strategy goals: Nurturing and Responsive Child-Parent Relationships SUMMARY Emergent Literacy Coaching Programs are an effective state strategy to impact: Emergent literacy coaching programs promote nurturing and responsive child-parent relationships

Shared Book Reading Programs

Shared Book Reading positively impacts these strategy goals: Nurturing and Responsive Child-Parent Relationships Optimal Child Health and Development SUMMARY Shared Book Reading Programs are an effective state strategy to impact: Shared book reading programs provide

State Earned Income Tax Credit

State Earned Income Tax Credit positively impacts these policy goals: Parents Ability to Work Sufficient Household Resources Healthy and Equitable Births SUMMARY   A refundable state EITC of at least 10% of the federal EITC

Community-Based Doulas

Community-Based Doulas positively impact these strategy goals: Access to Needed Services Nurturing and Responsive Child-Parent Relationships Healthy and Equitable Births Optimal Child Health and Development SUMMARY   Community-based doulas is an effective state policy to

Child Care Subsidies

Child Care Subsidies positively impacts these strategy goals: Access to Needed Services Sufficient Household Resources Parents Ability to Work SUMMARY Child care subsidies are an effective state strategy to impact:   Both child care subsidy

Early Intervention Services

Early Intervention Services positively impacts these strategy goals: Parental Health and Emotional Wellbeing Optimal Child Health and Development SUMMARY Early Intervention services is an effective state policy to impact:   Participation in Early Intervention services

Group Prenatal Care

Group Prenatal Care positively impacts these strategy goals: Access to Needed Services Parental Health and Emotional Wellbeing Optimal Child Health and Development SUMMARY Group prenatal care is an effective state policy to impact:   Participation

State Minimum Wage

State minimum wage positively impacts these policy goals: Parents Ability to Work Sufficient Household Resources Healthy and Equitable Births Parental Health and Emotional Wellbeing Optimal Child Health and Development SUMMARY A state minimum wage of

Early Head Start

Early Head Start positively impacts these strategy goals: Parents’ Ability to Work Parental Health and Emotional Wellbeing Nurturing and Responsive Child-Parent Relationships Nurturing and Responsive Child Care in Safe Settings Optimal Child Health and Development