Evidence of Impact for Paid Family Leave

Download PDF Paid family leave is one of the five most effective policies that a state can implement to make sure children get off to a healthy start and thrive, and that promote greater equity

Evidence of Impact for State Minimum Wage

Download PDF A state minimum wage of at least $10 per hour is one of the five most effective policies a state can A state minimum wage of at least $10.00 per hour is one

Evidence of Impact for Child Care Subsidies

Download PDF Child care subsidies are one of the six most effective strategies that a state can implement to make sure children get off to a healthy start and thrive, and that promote greater equity

Evidence Review Top 5 Facts: Child Allowance

   Download Top 5 Facts (PDF)Full Evidence Review in the Prenatal-to-3 Policy Clearinghouse A child allowance is a cash-based family support policy aimed at providing families with children a consistent, recurring income supplement to prevent