Paid family leave

Effective policies and strategies to impact this goal include: Early Head Start Evidence-Based Home Visiting Programs Paid Family Leave Community-Based Doulas Children experience warm, nurturing, stimulating interactions with their parents that promote healthy development. WHY
Effective policies and strategies to impact this goal include: Early Head Start Early Intervention Services Group Prenatal Care Paid Family Leave Comprehensive Screening and Connection Programs Parents are mentally and physically healthy, with particular attention
Effective policies and strategies to impact this goal include: Child Care Subsidies Expanded Income Eligibility for Health Insurance Paid Family Leave State Earned Income Tax Credit State Minimum Wage Parents have the financial and material
Effective policies and strategies to impact this goal include: Child Care Subsidies Paid Family Leave State Earned Income Tax Credit Parents have the skills and incentives for employment and the resources they need to balance
Call for Applications Offering Paid Family Leave Policy Academy Application Open Tuesday, August 8, 2023 Application Deadline Tuesday, September 19, 2023 – CLOSED Acceptance Notification Tuesday, October 3, 2023 Policy Academy #1 (Paid Family Leave)
Policies supporting early childhood help people meet their full potential, as well as facilitate economic growth. Tax credits reduce child poverty, paid family leave improves parents’ mental health, and Early Head Start programs enhance literacy
In the past several months, legislatures throughout the United States passed transformative policies for children and families. This exciting, evidence-based legislation includes a historic investment in child care in Vermont, Medicaid expansion in North Carolina,
2023 has seen great momentum to improve outcomes and equity for young children. Many state legislatures have taken action to support infants, toddlers, their families, and caregivers. This month, we tracked several bills to increase
April 11th marks the start of Black Maternal Health Week, which draws attention to worsening health disparities caused by systemic racism. This week offers an opportunity to consider state policies that reduce racial and ethnic
Since our last update, legislatures and governors throughout the country have taken exciting action on state earned income tax credits (EITC), paid family leave, Medicaid expansion, extension of postpartum Medicaid coverage, and child care subsidies.

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