Economic supports

 Paid family and medical leave (PFML) is one of 12 evidence-based policies in our 2024 Prenatal-to-3 State Policy Roadmap, which details states’ progress toward adopting and implementing policies that effectively improve child and family wellbeing.
 A refundable state earned income tax credit (EITC) of at least 10 percent of the federal credit is one of 12 prenatal-to-3 policies included in our 2024 Prenatal-to-3 State Policy Roadmap, which details states’ progress
STATE MINIMUM WAGE WHAT IS A STATE MINIMUM WAGE AND WHY IS IT IMPORTANT? State minimum wages are legislative mandates that set a floor for the hourly wage that employers must pay their workers. About
STATE EARNED INCOME TAX CREDIT WHAT IS AN EARNED INCOME TAX CREDIT AND WHY IS IT IMPORTANT? The federal earned income tax credit (EITC) is a refundable tax credit for low-income workers designed to reduce
REDUCED ADMINISTRATIVE BURDEN FOR SNAP WHAT IS ADMINISTRATIVE BURDEN AND WHY IS IT IMPORTANT? Administrative burden refers to the barriers that increase the costs—time, money, and psychological distress—of applying for and maintaining enrollment in any
STATE MINIMUM WAGE WHAT IS A STATE MINIMUM WAGE AND WHY IS IT IMPORTANT? A minimum wage establishes a floor for workers’ hourly wages to prevent exploitation by employers and ensure a minimum level of
CHILD AND FAMILY WELLBEING IN ARIZONA State policy choices influence the wellbeing of children and families. The data below illustrate the range on 18 outcome measures of child and family wellbeing between the state in
ARIZONA’S POLICY CHOICES IMPACT FAMILY RESOURCES A state’s policy choices do not operate in isolation from one another. Instead, they interact to provide critical resources and create a system of support of varying generosity for
CHILD AND FAMILY WELLBEING IN ARKANSAS State policy choices influence the wellbeing of children and families. The data below illustrate the range on 18 outcome measures of child and family wellbeing between the state in
ARKANSAS’S POLICY CHOICES IMPACT FAMILY RESOURCES A state’s policy choices do not operate in isolation from one another. Instead, they interact to provide critical resources and create a system of support of varying generosity for