Child wellbeing

National analysis for resources available for children 3 years old and under has placed North Carolina among the worst five states in the nation. The data gathering happened after lawmakers agreed to Medicaid expansion but
Tennessee ranked 49th amongst the states and District of Columbia in the amount of resources available for those ages 0 to 3, according to a new report. Tennessee working parents have $26,513 available, ahead of 51st
Maine ranked 18 out of 50 states and D.C. in amount of resources a working parent has available to support their family. Consider this scenario: a single parent with an infant and a toddler who works
Early childhood policy experts at Vanderbilt University’s Prenatal-to-3 Policy Impact Center released a yearly report Thursday. Tennessee ranked 49th of 51 in a simulation of annual resources available to a single parent of both an infant
A new report from early childhood policy experts at Vanderbilt University finds that Tennessee is near the bottom of the nation when it comes to helping children and families thrive and escape poverty. Nearly one
Community-based doulas are trained social service professionals who provide non-clinical emotional, physical, and informational support to birthing people, starting during pregnancy and continuing during the postpartum period. Rigorous research indicates that community-based doula services are
CHILD AND FAMILY OUTCOMES Based on the science of the developing child, we have identified 20 outcome measures to track the overall health and wellbeing of infants and toddlers and their parents. Each outcome is
EARLY INTERVENTION SERVICES WHAT ARE EARLY INTERVENTION SERVICES AND WHY ARE THEY IMPORTANT? Part C of the federal Individuals with Disabilities Education Act (IDEA) provides funds for states to establish Early Intervention (EI) programs, which
Effective policies and strategies to impact this goal include: Expanded Income Eligibility for Health Insurance Paid Family Leave State Earned Income Tax Credit State Minimum Wage Community-Based Doulas Children are born healthy to healthy parents,
State leaders have a wide array of policy levers to consider when crafting state policies known to support the prenatal-to-3 period. To ensure that a policy has its intended impact on infants, toddlers, and their