

The characteristics of families vary considerably by state. A clear picture of the current demographic composition and characteristics of a state’s prenatal-to-3 population can help to inform policy leaders as to who is eligible and in need of benefits and services, and whether the needs are similar by race and ethnicity, geography, and socio-economic status.

  1. United States Department of Labor. (2021). Federal minimum wage.,of%20the%20two%20minimum%20wages.
  2. As of October, 1, 2021. Review of state statutes. For additional information, please refer to Methods and Sources.
  3. Schweitzer, J. (Mar. 30, 2021). Ending the tipped minimum wage will reduce poverty and inequality. Center for American Progress.
  4. US Department of Labor. Wage and Hour Division. (2018). Fact sheet #15: Tipped employees under the Fair Labor Standards Act.
  5. US Department of Labor. Wage and Hour Division. (2018). Fact sheet #15: Tipped employees under the Fair Labor Standards Act.
  6. Schweitzer, J. (Mar. 30, 2021). Ending the tipped minimum wage will reduce poverty and inequality. Center for American Progress.
  7. Allegretto, S. & Cooper, D. (July 10, 2014). Twenty-three years and still waiting for change. Economic Policy Institute.
  8. Bureau of Economic Analysis. (2021). Regional price parities by state and metro area.
  9. Wehby, G., Kaestner, R., Lyu, W., & Dave., D. (2020). Effects of the minimum wage on child health (No. w26691). National Bureau of Economic Research. [State Minimum Wage Evidence Review Study I]
  10. Raissian, K.M., & Bullinger, L.R. (2017). Money matters: Does the minimum wage affect child maltreatment rates? Children and Youth Services Review, 72, 60–70. [State Minimum Wage Evidence Review Study G]
  11. Zipperer, B. (June 13, 2018). The erosion of the federal minimum wage has increased poverty, especially for Black and Hispanic families. Economic Policy Institute.
  12. Economic Policy Institute. (2022). Minimum wage tracker.
  13. As of October, 1, 2022. Review of state statutes. For additional information, please refer to Methods and Sources.
  14. Huizar, L. & Gebreselassie, T. (2016). What a $15 minimum wage means for women and workers of color [Policy brief]. National Employment Law Project.
  15. Derenoncourt, E., & Montialoux, C. (2020). Minimum wages and racial inequality. Princeton University and the University of California, Berkeley.
  16. Huizar, L. & Gebreselassie, T. (2016). What a $15 minimum wage means for women and workers of color [Policy brief]. National Employment Law Project.
  17. Annual Estimates of the Resident Population by Sex, Age, Race, and Hispanic Origin for the United States: April 1, 2010 to July 1, 2019 (SC-EST2019-ALLDATA6Lloyd, C., Alvira-Hammond, M., Carlson, J., & Logan, D. (2021))., Family, Economic, and Geographic Characteristics of Black Families with Children. Child Trends. US Census Bureau, Population Division, released June 2020.
  18. United States Department of Labor. (20221). State minimum wage laws.
  19. US Congressional Budget Office (CBO). (2019). The effects on employment and family income of increasing the federal minimum wage.
  20. Cooper, D., Mokhiber, Z., & Zipperer, B. (2021). Raising the federal minimum wage to $15 by 2025 would lift the pay of 32 million workers. Economic Policy Institute.
  21. This analysis examined individuals earning up to $12.16 per hour.
  22. Cooper, D. (2016). Balancing paychecks and public assistance: How higher wages could strengthen what government can do. Economic Policy Institute.
  23. Cooper, D. & Hall, D. (2012). How raising the federal minimum wage would help working families and give the economy a boost. Economic Policy Institute.
  24. Dube, A. (2019). Minimum wages and the distribution of family incomes. American Economic Journal, 11(4), 268–304. [State Minimum Wage Evidence Review Study B]
  25. Rosenquist, N., Cook, D., Ehntholt, A., Omaye, A., Muennig, P., & Pabayo, R. (2019). Differential relationship between state-level minimum wage and infant mortality risk among US infants born to white and black mothers. Journal of Epidemiology and Community Health, 74(1), 14–19.
  26. Komro, K., Livingston, M., Markowitz, S., & Wagenaar, A. (2016). The effect of an increased minimum wage on infant mortality and birth weight. American Journal of Public Health, 106(8), 1514–1516. [State Minimum Wage Evidence Review Study E]
  27. Neumark, D., & Wascher, W. (2011). Does a higher minimum wage enhance the effectiveness of the earned income tax credit? Industrial and Labor Relations Review, 64(4), 712–746. [State Minimum Wage Evidence Review Study F]
  28. Andrea, S., Messer, L., Marino, M., Goodman, J., & Boone-Heinonen, J. (2020). The tipping point: Could increasing the subminimum wage reduce poverty-related antenatal stressors in US women? Annals of Epidemiology, 45, 47-53. [State Minimum Wage Evidence Review Study N]
  29. Alexander, M. (Feb. 5, 2021). Tipping is a legacy of slavery. New York Times.
  30. One Fair Wage Fact Sheet. (2020).
  31. Wolfe, J., & Zipperer, B. (2021). More than half a million child care workers would benefit from a $15 minimum wage in 2025. Economic Policy Institute.
  32. Allegretto, S., Godøy, A., Nadler, C., & Reich, N. (2018, September 6). The new wave of local minimum wage policies: Evidence from six cities. [Policy report]. Center on Wage and Employment Dynamics, University of California, Berkeley.