Resources for Early Head Start
Evidence shows that Early Head Start is one of most effective strategies that states can implement to impact outcomes for infants and toddlers. We’ve compiled the Policy Impact Center’s core resources on this strategy here
Resources for Early Intervention Services
Evidence shows that Early Intervention Services is one of most effective strategies that states can implement to impact outcomes for infants and toddlers. We’ve compiled the Policy Impact Center’s core resources on this strategy here
Evidence of Impact for Expanded Income Eligibility for Health Insurance
Download PDF Expanded income eligibility for health insurance is one of the five most effective policies that states can implement to ensure children get off to a healthy start and thrive, and that promote greater
Evidence of Impact for Reduced Administrative Burden for SNAP
Download PDF A median recertification interval of 12 months or longer for SNAP is one of the five most effective Implementing a combination of low-burden state policies to increase SNAP participation among children with families,
Evidence of Impact for Paid Family Leave
Download PDF Paid family leave is one of the five most effective policies that a state can implement to make sure children get off to a healthy start and thrive, and that promote greater equity
Evidence of Impact for State Minimum Wage
Download PDF A state minimum wage of at least $10 per hour is one of the five most effective policies a state can A state minimum wage of at least $10.00 per hour is one
Evidence of Impact for State Earned Income Tax Credit
Download PDF A refundable state earned income tax credit of at least 10 percent of the federal credit is one of the five most effective policies a state can implement to ensure children get off
Evidence of Impact for Child Care Subsidies
Download PDF Child care subsidies are one of the six most effective strategies that a state can implement to make sure children get off to a healthy start and thrive, and that promote greater equity
How Will the American Rescue Plan Strengthen the Prenatal-to-3 System of Care? A Summary of the 2021 Act’s Benefits for Infants and Toddlers

View related 3/30/21 webinar recording and materials for a walk through of the American Rescue Plan and Q&A with Dr. Cynthia Osborne and Dr. Greg Duncan: Click here for event page. RESEARCH BRIEF | B.005.0321March
Why Do We Focus on the Prenatal-to-3 Age Period?: Understanding the Importance of the Earliest Years

Investing in Families During the Earliest Years Can Improve Quality of Life in the Short and Long Term Our health and wellbeing prenatally and during the first three years of life affect all future learning,