Child care

Nobody wants to be last.       But Ohio is indeed at or very near the bottom on important rankings of how we treat children and working families. When are we going to own that? When
Virginia Governor Glenn Youngkin has announced significant early learning and child care investments. The Building Blocks for Virginia Families initiative will include funding to ensure access to high-quality early childhood programs for every low-income family
The institution of marriage is increasingly a polarizing topic, though it remains popular and the majority of Americans aspire to it if they haven’t already wed. But the popularity of “I dos” is slipping, according
The 2023 Prenatal-to-3 State Policy Roadmap identifies child care subsidies as one of the most effective policies at improving child and family well-being and the health of the workforce and economy. The Roadmap tracks state
Maine ranked 18 out of 50 states and D.C. in amount of resources a working parent has available to support their family. Consider this scenario: a single parent with an infant and a toddler who works
Of the many educational programs that have been funded by all levels of government and the private sector, none have had as many positive, continuing impacts on participants as expenditures on early childhood education. There
Lately, an unexpected voice has been highlighting childcare challenges: Fox News. While the childcare crisis has long been a Democratic talking point, over the past few weeks, Fox has run several segments about the high
Throughout the nation, states are struggling to keep their child care industries afloat. Decades of underinvestment and a global pandemic threatened a near-total collapse of the system, held off only by temporary pandemic-era funding that
In some states, a parent working a full-time minimum wage job can obtain a subsidy and comfortably afford child care. In other states, especially in a locality without enough subsidized slots, almost all of that