A minimum wage establishes a floor for workers’ hourly wages to prevent exploitation by employers and ensure a minimum level of compensation. The current federal minimum wage was set in 2009, and stands at $7.25, but states can establish higher thresholds.1
Currently, 31 states have a minimum wage that is higher than the federal level. Of those states, five (California, Connecticut, the District of Columbia, Massachusetts, and Washington), as well as a number of large cities, already have a minimum wage that is $15.00 or greater.2
The federal subminimum wage refers to the floor set for tipped workers (i.e., workers who regularly receive more than $30.00 per month in tips), workers with disabilities, or teenage workers early in their employment, who may be exempt from the federal minimum set by the Fair Labor Standards Act (FLSA).3,4 The federal tipped minimum wage (or cash wage) is currently $2.13 per hour. The combination of the cash wage and tips must equal the federal or state minimum wage, whichever is higher, however it can be hard to enforce.
To pay workers with disabilities less than the federal minimum wage, the FLSA requires employers to hold a certificate (known as a 14(c) certificate) from the US Department of Labor that demonstrates the worker’s disability reduces job ability.5 States can set their tipped minimum wage above the federal floor or can fully eliminate subminimum wages for both tipped workers and workers with disabilities. Subminimum wages contribute to poverty6 and unpredictable earnings.7 Because the majority of tipped workers are female, and disproportionately women of color, subminimum wages exacerbate existing inequality.29
States Vary Significantly in Their Cost of Living and the Purchasing Power of Their Minimum Wage
The cost of living (i.e., the amount of money required to maintain a standard of living) varies significantly across the country because of regional differences in consumer prices. Inflation has also caused the cost of living to increase substantially throughout the country over the last several years. In June 2022, after accounting for inflation, the federal minimum wage reached its lowest value in 66 years.34
The variation across the country means that a nominal wage (i.e., wage not adjusted for inflation) of $10.00 in two different states may buy a family more in one state than another. A nominal wage can be converted into a real wage by accounting for inflation or a cost-of-living adjusted (COLA) wage, which incorporates state price differences. A COLA wage offers a way to compare purchasing power more consistently across states. For example, Hawaii’s prices are 13.2% higher than the national average, whereas Mississippi’s prices are 13.4% lower than the national average.8 It can therefore be beneficial to compare Hawaii’s minimum wage in terms of real purchasing power, $10.60 (nominal minimum wage of $12.00 in 2023), to Mississippi’s minimum wage in terms of real purchasing power, $8.37 (nominal minimum wage of $7.25 in 2023). Examining both a state’s nominal minimum wage and COLA minimum wage is therefore critical when making policy.
Higher State Minimum Wages Can Improve Child and Family Outcomes Through Greater Access to Resources
Higher state minimum wages can result in higher incomes, which can help families more easily access essential resources such as housing, food, health care, and transportation.9 Greater access to basic needs can reduce parental stress, which may improve a child’s caregiving environment and reduce the likelihood that an infant or toddler will experience abuse, neglect, or other adverse experiences at home.10
The Current Federal Minimum Wage Does Not Lift a Full-Time Worker Supporting a Family Out of Poverty
With the current federal minimum wage of $7.25 per hour and a 40-hour work week for 52 weeks per year, an individual working full-time earns $15,080 annually, which is below the federal poverty level (FPL) for two-, three-, and four-person households.11 A $10.00 per hour wage also keeps a worker below the poverty level if the worker is the sole earner supporting a three-person or larger household. A $10.00 wage should therefore be considered a floor in 2023.
The $10.00 threshold is based on comprehensive reviews of causal studies. The preponderance of the research on state minimum wages has been on states that have increased their wages to $10.00; and state minimum wage increases above that level in future years may yield better child and family outcomes, which should be studied rigorously. Ten states are expected to reach $15.00 over the next several years, based on scheduled increases in state legislation, but currently California, Connecticut, the District of Columbia, Massachusetts, and Washington are the only states already at that level.12,13
Women and Workers of Color Make Up a Disproportionate Share of Low-Income Workers, and Income Disparities Contribute to Wealth Gaps
Women and workers of color are disproportionately represented among those who earn less than $15.00 per hour, and wage disparities can contribute to income and wealth gaps.14 White workers earn, on average, 25% more in annual income than Black workers,15 and the median net wealth of White families is estimated at 10 times that of families of color.16 Of the 10 states17 with the highest share of Black children ages 0 to 4, six have not raised their minimum wages above the federal level (Alabama, Georgia, Louisiana, Mississippi, North Carolina, and South Carolina).18,19
Increasing the Minimum Wage Can Impact Millions of Families and Substantially Reduce Poverty
The Congressional Budget Office estimated that if all states raised their minimum wages to at least $10.00 per hour by 2025, 1.5 million workers would see their wages increase, and among families with the lowest incomes, income would increase by $400 million overall.20 According to the Economic Policy Institute (EPI), if all states implemented a $15.00 minimum wage by 2025, 32 million workers, or 21% of the US workforce, would benefit from higher earnings, either directly or indirectly.21 A $15.00 wage floor would lift 3.7 million people, including 1.3 million children, above the federal poverty level. One in three Black workers and one in four Hispanic workers would benefit. Implementing at least a $10.00 state minimum wage in 2023, with gradual increases to $15.00 over time, could therefore have a substantial impact on reducing poverty and promoting equity.
Higher State Minimum Wages Would Yield Positive Economic Ripple Effects
Increasing state minimum wages may save taxpayer costs by increasing earned income and reducing the amount of support workers with lower wages may need from public assistance programs. The EPI estimated that for workers with the lowest incomes,22 each $1.00 increase in hourly wages would reduce the share of workers receiving public assistance by 3.1 percentage points (a reduction of 850,000 individuals receiving public assistance).23 A study estimating the effects of a federal minimum wage increase from $7.25 to $9.80 per hour predicted an increase in gross domestic product of $25 billion and a net increase in jobs of 100,000 during the 2-year phase-in of the higher wage.24
Search the Prenatal-to-3 Policy Clearinghouse for an ongoing inventory of rigorous evidence reviews, including more information on the state minimum wage.
Increasing the minimum wage to $10.00 or greater increases household earnings and reduces child poverty, particularly in families of color. A minimum wage of $10.00 or greater also improves birth outcomes and children’s health and development with minimal negative impacts on employment.
Higher State Minimum Wages Reduce Racial and Ethnic Disparities in Family Outcomes
Research suggests that increases in a state’s minimum wage can significantly reduce poverty and infant mortality, with the greatest effects for Black and Hispanic families.25,26,27 The interaction of a higher minimum wage and a state earned income tax credit has also been shown to benefit Black and Hispanic mothers’ earnings to a greater degree than for White mothers, which may contribute to reducing disparities in poverty by race.28
In addition, women of color benefited most from increases in the tipped minimum wage in a recent study that examined expectant mothers’ mental health.29 Given that approximately 70% of tipped workers are women30 and 45% of restaurant workers are people of color,31 the level of the subminimum wage is a critical equity issue.
Finally, increasing the minimum wage to $15.00 by 2025 would have a significant positive impact for child care workers, over a third of whom are Black or Hispanic. Such an increase would raise pay for 44% of child care workers, with an average increase of $2,900 in annual earnings overall, and with higher average increases in annual earnings for Black and Hispanic child care workers (over $3,100).32
For more information on what we know and what we still need to learn about the state minimum wage, see the evidence review on the state minimum wage.
This year, four additional states – Michigan, Nebraska, Ohio, and South Dakota – began implementing a state minimum wage of $10.00 or greater. Michigan’s minimum wage increased from $9.87 to $10.10 on January 1, 2023, due to previously enacted legislation. Michigan’s minimum wage is scheduled to incrementally increase until it reaches $12.05 in 2031.
Voters in Nebraska approved a ballot measure in November 2022 to incrementally increase the state minimum wage to $15.00 by 2026, with scheduled increases beginning this year. On January 1, 2023, the state minimum wage in Nebraska increased from $9.00 to $10.50.
The minimum wages in Ohio and South Dakota are annually adjusted for inflation, which resulted in increases from $9.30 to $10.10 and from $9.95 to $10.80, respectively. The state minimum wage increases in both states were effective January 1, 2023. In Ohio, however, these higher minimum wages do not apply to employers with limited revenue, which may exclude many workers.
As of October 1, 2023, 29 states have adopted and implemented a state minimum wage of $10.00 or greater. Montana will join the list of states with a minimum wage of $10.00 or greater on January 1, 2024, when the state minimum wage increases from $9.95 to $10.30, due to an annual cost-of-living adjustment.
No states have newly enacted legislation to increase their state minimum wage to $10.00 or greater since the 2021 Roadmap. States have, however, enacted legislation to expand their state minimum wages beyond the $10.00 per hour threshold.
Tracking State Policy Progress
Policy adoption does not typically happen quickly. States may introduce legislation several times before adopting a policy and take even more time to fully implement it. Every year we analyze state legislation and track states’ efforts toward adopting and fully implementing each of the effective policies in this State Policy Roadmap. The figure below summarizes the legislative activity and progress states made toward increasing state minimum wages since the 2022 Roadmap.
In subsequent sections, we describe how states vary in the value and implementation of their state minimum wages. We also highlight how a state’s minimum wage combines with other policy choices including child care subsidies, tax credits, and nutrition benefits to impact the level of resources available to a single parent with an infant and toddler in our Policy Impact Calculator.
Many States Introduced Legislation to Increase the State Minimum Wage This Past Session but Few Made Progress
In the past year, 30 states introduced legislation to increase the state minimum wage. Although unsuccessful, 19 of the 22 states that have not yet adopted and implemented a state minimum wage of $10.00 or greater introduced at least one bill that would have eventually raised the minimum wage above that threshold. Legislation in a few states was voted out of committee or advanced through the first chamber but none passed.
As of October 1, 2023, at least two states (Alaska and Missouri) were in the process of gathering signatures to put a measure on the ballot to incrementally increase their state minimum wages to $15.00 by 2027 and 2026, respectively. If enough valid signatures are gathered in each state, the measures will be put forth to voters on a future ballot.
2 States Enacted Legislation to Increase their State Minimum Wages
This year, Maryland and New York enacted legislation to increase their state minimum wages. Both states were already implementing a state minimum wage of $10.00 or greater. Maryland enacted legislation to accelerate previously scheduled increases of the state minimum wage such that the minimum wage will now reach $15.00 on January 1, 2024, rather than on January 1, 2025. New York enacted legislation to incrementally increase the state minimum wage to $16.00 in most of the state and $17.00 in New York City and surrounding suburbs by January 1, 2026. The state minimum wage will resume annual adjustments for inflation, thereafter. Previously, the state minimum wage in New York could not exceed $15.00 per hour.
2 States Took Steps Toward Eliminating Subminimum Wages
In the last year, 25 states introduced legislation to increase or fully eliminate subminimum wages for tipped workers and/or workers with disabilities. Only two states – Nevada and Virginia – enacted legislation to phase out and fully eliminate the subminimum wage for workers with disabilities. Nevada enacted legislation to phase out and fully eliminate the subminimum wage for workers with disabilities by January 1, 2028.
Virginia enacted legislation to phase out and fully eliminate the subminimum wage for workers with disabilities by July 1, 2030. As of July 1, 2023, Virginia cannot issue any new 14(c) certificates (the certificate required for an employer to pay workers with disabilities a wage less than the minimum wage), however, employers with active 14(c) certificates have until July 1, 2030 to eliminate subminimum wages for their employees with disabilities. With the addition of Nevada and Virginia, 16 states have either fully eliminated or are in the process of phasing out subminimum wages for workers with disabilities.
States also considered legislation to either increase or fully eliminate the subminimum wage for tipped workers, however no states enacted legislation to do so this year. In November 2022, voters in the District of Columbia approved a ballot measure to phase out the tipped minimum wage by 2027. Councilmembers enacted emergency legislation to postpone the implementation of the ballot measure by 4 months. Scheduled increases to the tipped minimum wage were initially set to begin on January 1, 2023, but instead the first increase took effect on May 1, 2023. The emergency legislation did not affect the rest of the scheduled increases to the tipped minimum wage.
Additionally, several states introduced legislation to make the state minimum wage inclusive of more workers, including domestic workers, agricultural workers, and younger workers, but none were successful.
States Vary in the Level of Minimum and Cost-of-Living Adjusted Wages
State minimum wages vary from the federal minimum of $7.25 to $17.00 in the District of Columbia. As of October 1, 2023, 29 states have a minimum wage of at least $10.00. Five states (California, Connecticut, the District of Columbia, Massachusetts, and Washington) have minimum wages of $15.00 or greater, and an additional 10 states will have minimum wages of at least $15.00 by 2026 due to approved scheduled increases to the state minimum wage.
The remaining 22 states have minimum wages lower than $10.00, and all but two of them (Montana and West Virginia) have state minimum wages either set at the federal minimum of $7.25 or that default to the federal minimum wage. Montana’s minimum wage is annually adjusted for inflation, and the wage will surpass $10.00 per hour in 2024. West Virginia’s minimum wage, however, is currently $8.75 and is not annually adjusted for inflation nor does it currently have any scheduled increases.
Five states (Alabama, Louisiana, Mississippi, South Carolina, and Tennessee) have no state minimum wage specified in their statutory language, which means they default to the federal minimum wage. Two states (Georgia and Wyoming) have their state minimum wage set at levels below the federal minimum wage, so the federal level overrides state law.
The nominal value of a state’s minimum wage may not reflect the real purchasing power of that wage, which is why it is also important to look at states’ cost-of-living adjusted (COLA) wages when comparing minimum wages across states. As an example, Washington state has a nominal minimum wage of $15.74, which is nearly $4.00 more per hour than New Mexico’s $12.00 minimum wage. After the wages are adjusted for the higher cost of living in Washington compared to New Mexico, the real value of Washington’s minimum wage is $14.46, which is just over $1.00 more than New Mexico’s cost-of-living adjusted minimum age of $13.35. The District of Columbia has a nominal minimum wage of $17.00, the highest in the country, and the cost-of-living adjusted wage is $15.28, which is still the highest COLA-adjusted value in the country.
Over Half of States Have Scheduled Increases to the Minimum Wage
The minimum wage is scheduled to increase in coming years in 27 states because of a statutory increase to a specific wage or an increase based on inflation. As of October 1, 2023, 12 states have statutorily scheduled increases to their minimum wages, and 10 of those states have scheduled increases to $15.00 or greater by 2026. Hawaii’s state minimum wage is scheduled to incrementally increase to $18.00 by 2028. Two additional states – Michigan and Nevada – have statutorily scheduled increases to $12.05 in 2031 and to $12.00 in 2024, respectively.
As of October 1, 2023, 13 states currently increase their minimum wage based on annual inflation. Connecticut and Missouri will begin indexing their minimum wage to inflation on an annual basis beginning January 1, 2024. Four states – Florida, Nebraska, New Jersey, and Virginia – have scheduled increases over the next few years to $15.00, and then will index their minimum wages to annual inflation. New York’s minimum wage is scheduled to increase to $16.00 in 2026, and then will be indexed to annual inflation beginning in 2027.
States are Eliminating Subminimum Wages for Tipped Workers and Workers with Disabilities, but There’s More Room for Progress
Federal law allows states to set lower minimum wages for tipped workers and workers with disabilities. The tipped minimum wage refers to the cash wage an employer may pay tipped workers as long as the combination of the cash wage and tips equals the state’s regular minimum wage. Tipped minimum wages vary from the federal minimum of $2.13 to $15.74 in Washington. Given the variation in tipped minimum wages across states, the amount in tips that tipped workers must rely on just to earn the minimum wage varies significantly across states.
As of October 1, 2023, 35 states have a tipped minimum wage that is higher than the federal tipped minimum wage. Of those 35 states, eight states (Alaska, California, Hawaii, Minnesota, Montana, Nevada, Oregon, and Washington) have eliminated the subminimum wage for tipped workers, which means the cash wage for tipped workers is the same as the regular minimum wage in those states. Additionally, the District of Columbia has enacted legislation to phase out and fully eliminate the subminimum wage for tipped workers by July 1, 2027.
States are also taking action to eliminate the subminimum wage for workers with disabilities. As of October 1, 2023, eight states (Alaska, Hawaii, Maine, Maryland, New Hampshire, Oregon, Rhode Island, and Tennessee) have fully eliminated the subminimum wage for workers with disabilities. Eight additional states (California, Colorado, Delaware, Minnesota, Nevada, South Carolina, Virginia, and Washington) have enacted legislation to phase out and fully eliminate the subminimum wage for workers with disabilities over the next few years.
Half of States Have a Minimum Wage Preemption Law
Several large cities including Chicago, San Francisco, Oakland, San Jose, New York City, and Seattle have implemented local minimum wages that exceed the current state levels or that are being implemented on a faster phase-in schedule than approved state increases.33 However, 25 states have laws known as preemption laws that prohibit localities from setting minimum wages that are higher than the state minimum wage. Among states that have not adopted and implemented a state minimum wage of $10.00 or greater, 18 have state minimum wage preemption laws.
For more information on the state policy levers to help maximize the effectiveness of a state minimum wage policy see our State Policy Lever Checklists.
An Increase in the Minimum Wage Would Affect a Significant Number of Families
Many workers remain poor despite working full-time. The percentage of workers who remain poor varies considerably across states and is influenced by the state’s minimum wage. The percentage of children under age 3 with at least one parent working full-time living near poverty (defined as 150% of the FPL) ranges from 6.1% in Vermont to 33.9% in Arkansas. In 18 states, more than 20% of children under age 3 live in working families who remain near poverty.
Notes and Sources
- United States Department of Labor. (2021). Federal minimum wage.,of%20the%20two%20minimum%20wages.
- As of October, 1, 2023. Review of state statutes. For additional information, please refer to Methods and Sources.
- Schweitzer, J. (Mar. 30, 2021). Ending the tipped minimum wage will reduce poverty and inequality. Center for American Progress.
- US Department of Labor. Wage and Hour Division. (2018). Fact sheet #15: Tipped employees under the Fair Labor Standards Act.,is%20currently%20%247.25%20per%20hour
- US Department of Labor. Wage and Hour Division. (2008). Fact Sheet #39: The Employment of Workers with Disabilities at Subminimum Wages.
- Schweitzer, J. (2021). Ending the tipped minimum wage will reduce poverty and inequality. Center for American Progress.
- Allegretto, S. & Cooper, D. (2014). Twenty-three years and still waiting for change. Economic Policy Institute.
- Bureau of Economic Analysis. (2021). Regional price parities by state and metro area.
- Wehby, G., Kaestner, R., Lyu, W., & Dave., D. (2020). Effects of the minimum wage on child health (No. w26691). National Bureau of Economic Research. [State Minimum Wage Evidence Review Study I]
- Raissian, K.M., & Bullinger, L.R. (2017). Money matters: Does the minimum wage affect child maltreatment rates? Children and Youth Services Review, 72, 60–70. [State Minimum Wage Evidence Review Study G]
- Zipperer, B. (June 13, 2018). The erosion of the federal minimum wage has increased poverty, especially for Black and Hispanic families. Economic Policy Institute.
- Economic Policy Institute. (2022). Minimum wage tracker.
- As of October, 1, 2023. Review of state statutes. For additional information, please refer to Methods and Sources.
- Huizar, L. & Gebreselassie, T. (2016). What a $15 minimum wage means for women and workers of color [Policy brief]. National Employment Law Project.
- Derenoncourt, E., & Montialoux, C. (2020). Minimum wages and racial inequality. Princeton University and the University of California, Berkeley.
- Huizar, L. & Gebreselassie, T. (2016). What a $15 minimum wage means for women and workers of color [Policy brief]. National Employment Law Project.
- Estimate as of 2019. States include the District of Columbia, Mississippi, Louisiana, Georgia, Maryland, Alabama, South Carolina, Delaware, North Carolina, and Florida.
- Annual Estimates of the Resident Population by Sex, Age, Race, and Hispanic Origin for the United States: April 1, 2010 to July 1, 2019 (SC-EST2019-ALLDATA6Lloyd, C., Alvira-Hammond, M., Carlson, J., & Logan, D. (2021))., Family, Economic, and Geographic Characteristics of Black Families with Children. Child Trends. US Census Bureau, Population Division, released June 2020.
- United States Department of Labor. (2021). State minimum wage laws.
- US Congressional Budget Office (CBO). (2019). The effects on employment and family income of increasing the federal minimum wage.
- Cooper, D., Mokhiber, Z., & Zipperer, B. (2021). Raising the federal minimum wage to $15 by 2025 would lift the pay of 32 million workers. Economic Policy Institute.
- This analysis examined individuals earning up to $12.16 per hour.
- Cooper, D. (2016). Balancing paychecks and public assistance: How higher wages could strengthen what government can do. Economic Policy Institute.
- Cooper, D. & Hall, D. (2012). How raising the federal minimum wage would help working families and give the economy a boost. Economic Policy Institute.
- Dube, A. (2019). Minimum wages and the distribution of family incomes. American Economic Journal, 11(4), 268–304. [State Minimum Wage Evidence Review Study B]
- Rosenquist, N., Cook, D., Ehntholt, A., Omaye, A., Muennig, P., & Pabayo, R. (2019). Differential relationship between state-level minimum wage and infant mortality risk among US infants born to white and black mothers. Journal of Epidemiology and Community Health, 74(1), 14–19.
- Komro, K., Livingston, M., Markowitz, S., & Wagenaar, A. (2016). The effect of an increased minimum wage on infant mortality and birth weight. American Journal of Public Health, 106(8), 1514–1516. [State Minimum Wage Evidence Review Study E]
- Neumark, D., & Wascher, W. (2011). Does a higher minimum wage enhance the effectiveness of the earned income tax credit? Industrial and Labor Relations Review, 64(4), 712–746. [State Minimum Wage Evidence Review Study F]
- Andrea, S., Messer, L., Marino, M., Goodman, J., & Boone-Heinonen, J. (2020). The tipping point: Could increasing the subminimum wage reduce poverty-related antenatal stressors in US women? Annals of Epidemiology, 45, 47-53. [State Minimum Wage Evidence Review Study N]
- Alexander, M. (2021). Tipping is a legacy of slavery. New York Times.
- One Fair Wage Fact Sheet. (2020).
- Wolfe, J., & Zipperer, B. (2021). More than half a million child care workers would benefit from a $15 minimum wage in 2025. Economic Policy Institute.
- Allegretto, S., Godøy, A., Nadler, C., & Reich, N. (2018, September 6). The new wave of local minimum wage policies: Evidence from six cities. [Policy report]. Center on Wage and Employment Dynamics, University of California, Berkeley.
- Cooper, D., Hickey, S., & Zipperer, B. (2022). The value of the federal minimum wage is at its lowest point in 66 years. Economic Policy Institute.