Policy Clearinghouse

Fair Work Scheduling


Fair work scheduling is theoretically aligned with these policy goals:

Fair work scheduling policies need further study before conclusions can be made about the impact of such policies on outcomes during the prenatal-to-3 period. Unpredictable, unstable work schedules have been shown to have negative consequences for workers and their families, and evaluations of fair work scheduling interventions at the company and local levels are ongoing. Statewide fair work scheduling policies aiming to improve the adequacy and predictability of work hours have recently been passed, but studies examining the impact of these policies are not yet available.

Unpredictable, unstable work schedules are associated with financial instability, reduced physical and mental wellbeing, less time spent with children, and difficulty securing consistent, high-quality child care among working parents. To reduce difficulties associated with inadequate, unpredictable, and unstable work schedules for low-income hourly employees, policies at the company, local, and state levels aim to promote fair work schedules. States can determine who is eligible for fair work scheduling protections, and policies typically cover at least one of the following aspects of work scheduling: predictability, employee input, and adequacy of hours and compensation. Ongoing evaluations of local fair work ordinances and future research on recent statewide fair scheduling policies will provide more evidence of the impact of these policies on outcomes for children and their families.

Download the Complete Evidence Review

Fair Work Scheduling Evidence Review (PDF)

Recommended Citation:
Prenatal-to-3 Policy Impact Center. (2020). Prenatal-to-3 policy clearinghouse evidence review: Fair work scheduling (ER 0920.017A). Peabody College of Education and Human Development, Vanderbilt University.

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